;; expensive-authors.rkt (define-struct book (author title on-hand price)) ;; A Book is a ;; (make-book String String NonNegInt NonNegInt) ;; Interpretation: ;; author is the author’s name ;; title is the title ;; on-hand is the number of copies on hand ;; price is the price in USD ;; book-fn : Book -> ?? ;; (define (book-fn b) ;; (... (book-author b) (book-title b) (book-on-hand b) (book-price ;; b))) ;; authors-of-expensive-books : Number ListOfBook -> ListOfString ;; Given a price and a list of books, returns the list of all ;; the authors of books whose prices are greater than the given ;; price. ;; Strategy: HOFC + Struct Decomp (book) (define (authors-of-expensive-books p books) (map book-author (filter (lambda (b) (> (book-price b) p)) books)))